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  1. Invited Faculty, Mastery in Minimal Access Surgery – HPB 2024, November 2024, Invited Lecture on “Management of Post-Operative Pancreatic fistula”
  2. Invited Faculty, National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences 2022, November Invited Lecture on “Robotic Whipples”.
  3. Invited Faculty, Tugs India Symposium 2022, September Invited Lecture on “Extended Pancreatocoduodenectomy- step by step”.
  4. Invited Faculty, 5th Mid-Year Gastrointestinal Oncology Conference 2022, Ahmedabad, September Invited Lecture on “Pancreatic Cancer”.
  5. Invited Faculty, Gastrão 2022, June Invited Lecture on “Artery first” approach in pancreatic cancer surgery. Techniques, indications and results”.
  6. Invited Faculty, TUGS – HPB Webinar, Vascular Approaches in Pancreatic Surgery, April 2022, Invited Lecture on “Artery-First Approaches in Pancreatic Cancer Surgery”
  7. Invited Faculty, TUGS – HPB Webinar, Vascular Approaches in Pancreatic Surgery, April 2022, Invited Lecture on “GI & HPB Cancer Surgery: The Path Travelled and the Journey Ahead”
  8. Invited Faculty, 10th Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong Society of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery hybrid congress, Hong Kong, February 2022, Invited Lecture on “Management of Carcinoma of Gallbladder: A Surgeon’s Perspective”
  9. Invited Faculty, G. I. Diseases-Impedance & Impetus, Chennai, January 2022, Invited Lecture on “Pancreatic Mass (Non-cystic) – Evaluation & Management”
  10. Invited Faculty, Association of Surgeons, Nagpur, November 2021, Invited Lecture on “Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Resection”
  11. Invited Faculty, EBM- BBCI 2021, Guwahati, November 2021, Invited Lecture on “Pancreaticoduodenectomy Video Presentation”
  12. Invited Faculty, Sri Lanka Surgical Congress, Sri Lanka, November 2021, Invited Lecture on “SMA first approach- techniques & tips”
  13. Invited Faculty, 91 Argentina Congress of Surgery, November 2021, Invited Lecture on “How to determine the extent of IPMN type 1 resection?”
  14. Invited Faculty, 91 Argentina Congress of Surgery, November 2021, Invited Lecture on “Minimally Invasive Duodenopancreatectomy” on “Which are the benefits that robot offers over laparoscopic treatment?”
  15. Invited Faculty, Natcon IASO 2021, October 2021, Invited Lecture on “Surgical approach for borderline resectable pancreatic cancer”.
  16. Invited Faculty, IASGCON 2021, October 2021, Invited Lecture on “Resectable Pancreatic Cancer- Upfront Surgeryvs. Neoadjuvant therapy”.
  17. Invited Faculty, 3rd- Annual Congress of I-OSI, October 2021, Invited Chairperson for session on “Advancement in immunotherapy of Gastrointestinal Cancer.”
  18. Invited Faculty, Benign Pancreatic Disease, Srinagar, September 2021, Invited Lecture on “Pancreatic Head Mass- Inflammatory Vs Malignant, Approach and Management”.
  19. Invited Faculty, An Update in Pancreatic Surgery, Delhi, September 2021. Invited Lecture on “Evidence based Comparison of the Pancreatico- Enteric Anastomosis”.
  20. Invited Faculty, The 8th Biennial Congress of the Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato- Biliary Association (A-PHPBA) 2021 – Virtual Congress. Bali, September 2021. Invited Lecture on “Pro Con Artery First Approach Whipple”
  21. Invited Faculty, The 8th Biennial Congress of the Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato- Biliary Association (A-PHPBA) 2021 – Virtual Congress. Bali, September 2021. Invited Lecture on “Pitfalls in Pancreatojejunostomy”
  22. Invited Faculty, Indian Chapter of International – Hepato – Pancreato- Biliary Association (IHPBA) 2021, JIPMER, Puducherry,August 2021. Invited lecture on “Techniques/approaches of Pancreatic head resection in pancreatoduodenectomy”.
  23. Invited Faculty, GI CONUNDRUMS 2021, August 2021. Invited lecture on “Management of Pancreatic Cancer- Clinical approach in next 10 years”.
  24. Invited Faculty, 1st CME of Department of Surgical Gastroenterology: festschrift to honor, Dr. Gurupreet Singh on his retirement, “What has changed in last 30 years”, August 2021. Invited Lecutre on “Surgery for Adenocarcinoma of Pancreas”.
  25. Invited Faculty, Asia-Pacific Gastroentrology Cancer Summit (APGCS) 2021, August 2021. Invited panelist on “Molecular Tumor Board”.
  26. Invited Faculty, Kolhapur Surgical Society 2021, August 2021. Invited Video lecture on “Pancreatic Surgeries”.
  27. Invited Orator, Sasicon 2021, August 2021. Invited for Dr. P. C. Sanyal Memorial Oration on “Modern Management of Gastric Cancer- State of the art”.
  28. Invited Faculty, Presidential Voices program 2021, AIG Hopsital, August 2021. Invited lecture on “Current Perspective on pancreatic Transplantation in India”.
  29. Invited Faculty, AHPBA 2021, Miami, July 2021. Invited lecture on “Surgeon at work, How I dissect the Uncinate off portal vein and SMA”.
  30. Invited Faculty, AHPBA 2021, Miami, July 2021. Invited lecture on “Managing Major Complication: Pancreatic Fistula”.
  31. Invited Faculty, Virtual Visiting Professor, Colorado University 2021, July 2021. Invited lecture on “How to approach a case of borderline resectable pancreatic cancer or a Case of periampullary tumor”.
  32. Invited Faculty, Senadhipan Education Foundation 2021, July 2021. Invited lecture on “Cystic Tumors of Pancreas”.
  33. Invited Faculty, Olympus – Indian Chapter IHPBA Academic Webinar 2021, July 2021 Invited lecture on “Minimally Invasive Pancreas Resections: An evidence based perspective”.
  34. Invited Faculty, Ethicon Digital Education, Virtual GI Onco- South 2021, Johnson & Johnson Private Limited company, July 2021. Lecture on “CA Pancreas”.
  35. Invited Faculty, Surgeons for Surgeons (SFS) 2021, July 2021. Invited lecture on “Pancreas Anastomosis Tips to Prevent Complications”.
  36. Invited Faculty, Ethicon Digital Education, Virtual GI Onco- South 2021, Johnson & Johnson Private Limited company, July 2021. Lecture on “CA Stomach”.
  37. Invited Faculty, Indian Covid 19 Outbreak 2021, June 2021. Invited lecture on “Covid 19: A Plan for the recovery phase.”
  38. Invited Faculty, Indian Covid 19 Outbreak, June 2021. Invited lecture on “Covid 19: A Plan for the recovery phase.”
  39. Invited Faculty, Indian Chapter of IHPBA, June 2021. Invited lecture on “Artery first approach for pancreaticoduodenectomy: When, Why and How”.
  40. Invited Faculty, Indian Association of Gastrointestinal EndoSurgeons (IAGES), Gujarat, June 2021. Invited lecture on “Managing Pancreatic Cancers in the era of Minimal Invasive Surgery”.
  41. Invited Faculty, 4th Annual International Review on GI Cancer, Mumbai, May 2021. Invited Panelist lecture on “Surgical Management of Pancreatic Cancers”.
  42. Invited Faculty, 4th Annual International Review on GI Cancer, Mumbai, May 2021.Invited lecture on “Mas in Pancreas- SIN OR VIRTUE”.
  43. Invited Faculty, IASO Academics – Masterclass Series, Hyderabad, May 2021.Invited lecture on “Pancreatic Tumor”.
  44. Invited Faculty, Gyan Sabha, Diya Foundation, Mumbai, May 2021. Invited lecture on “Understanding Cancer in 2021”.
  45. Invited Faculty, Japanese Society of Hepato- Biliary Pancreatic Surgery, Tokyo, Japan, February 2021. Invited lecture on “Practical approach to managing the transection line in IMPN”.
  46. Invited Faculty, IASGCON, New Delhi, February 2021. Invited lecture on “Unresectability in pancreatic cancer: what is the limit?”.
  47. Invited Faculty, Decoding for GI-HPB Oncology, New Delhi, February 2021. Invited lecture on “Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer: Principles and Practices”.
  48. Invited Faculty, HPB Webinar, Bristol, UK, February 2021. Invited lecture on “Evolution of pancreatic surgery at Tata Memorial Hospital”.
  49. Invited Faculty, Turkish HPB Surgery, Istanbul, February 2021. Invited lecture on “Upfront chemotherapy for borderline resectable pancreatic cancer”.
  50. Invited Faculty, 69th Armed Forces Medical Conference, Pune, February 2021. Invited lecture on “Evolution of Pancreatic Surgery in India”.
  51. Invited Faculty, Caribbean Chapter of the AHPBA, January 2021. Invited lecture on “Surgery for Pancreatic Cancer: Current Standards and Future Perspectives”.
  52. Invited Faculty, The Second International Laparoscopic Liver Society in 2021, Japan, January 2021. Invited lecture on “HCC & Cirrhotic Liver 2021”.
  53. Invited Faculty, Changing Outcomes in Sphere of Gastrointestinal Cancers – Surgical Perspectives 2021, Best of GI ASCO, Jaipur, January 2021. Invited lecture on “Update on management of Gall Bladder Cancer in 2021”.
  54. Invited Faculty, Indian Association of Surgical Oncology-Cancer Expert Now 2020, December 2020. Invited lecture on Pancreatic Cancer Tips and Tricks”.
  55. Invited Faculty, Indian Association of Surgical Oncology-Cancer Expert Now 2020, December 2020. Invited panelist on “Multidisciplinary Management of Pancreatic Cancer”.
  56. Invited Local Faculty, with 16th Annual Surgical Oncology Virtual Workshop – Oncosurge TMH 2020, December 2020. Invited video lecture on Whipple Resection Tips and Tricks to Improve Outcomes”.
  57. Invited Faculty, Oncosurge Kolkata 2020, December 2020. Invited lecture on “Robotic Whipple’s”.
  58. Invited Faculty, IHPBA 2020 – Olympus Webinar 2020, Melbourne, November 2020, Invited Chairperson for session on “Laparoscopic Liver surgery using the latest technology”.
  59. Invited Faculty, Pancreatic Cancer Update 2020, Mumbai, November 2020. Invited lecture on “Are we making progress in surgery of the pancreas?”.
  60. Invited Faculty with IHPBA India Panel Discussion Series 2020, October Invited to panel discussion on “Complications of Pancreaticoduodenectomy”.
  61. Invited Faculty with IHPBA India Panel Discussion Series 2020, October Invited to panel discussion on “Complications of Surgery for Chronic Pancreatitis”.
  62. Invited Faculty, Excellence in Oncology Care 2020, Dubai, UAE, October 2020. Invited lecture on “Pancreatic Neoplasms – What does the Surgeon want to know from the Radiologist”.
  63. Invited Faculty, Excellence in Oncology Care 2020, Dubai, UAE, October 2020, Invited panelist lecture on “Challenging Questions in Pancreatic Cancer Management: Trying to Wade through the fog”.
  64. Invited Faculty, Excellence in Oncology Care 2020, October 2020. Invited lecture on “How Far do we Push the Boundaries for Pancreas Resection”.
  65. Invited Faculty, Virtual GI Onco Program for North East, October 2020. Invited lecture on “CA Stomach: Surgical Techniques & Treatment Protocols”.
  66. Invited Faculty, Webinar with Choosing Wisely in GI Cancers, August 2020. Invited lecture on “Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer”.
  67. Invited Faculty, Webinar with 7th Asia Pacific Gastroenterology Cancer Summit, August 2020. Invited Panelist lecture on “Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Cancer Tumor Board”.
  68. Invited Faculty, Update in Oncology, New Delhi, August 2020. Invited lecture on “Burning questions in gastric surgery: Best pre-operative staging? Laparoscopic vs open? D1 vs D2? Intra-op cytology”.
  69. Invited Faculty, ASEAN Laparoscopic HPB Surgery Conference, Manila, Phillipines, August 2020. Invited lecture on “Open PD: Will this stand up to challenges of the new technological era?”.
  70. Invited Faculty, SIMS / Full form?? Trivandrum??, August 2020. Invited lecture on “SMA First”.
  71. Invited Faculty, Pune Surgical Society, July 2020. Invited lecture on “Pancreatic Tumors: Diagnostic Pitfalls, Approach to Management and Surgical challenges”.
  72. Invited Faculty, Cape Summit, Singapore, July Keynote lecture on “Digital Futures: Promises and Challenges of Surgical Robots and AI”.
  73. Invited Faculty, HBP Surgery Week, Seoul, Korea, July Invited lecture on “Gall Bladder Cancer: State of the Art”.
  74. Invited Faculty, GI Surgery Masterclass: How I Do IT, July 2020. Invited lecture on “Pancreatico-Enteric Anastomosis”.
  75. Invited Faculty, 3rd Mid-Year Gastro-Intestinal Oncology Conference, July 2020. Invited Moderator on “Panel Discussion: Pancreatic Cancer”.
  76. Invited Faculty, Webinar with GI Surgery Education Forum, Hyderabad, June 2020. Invited Panelist on “Multidisciplinary Management of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors”.
  77. Invited Faculty, Ethicon Digital Education, Johnson & Johnson Private Limited company, May 2020. Lecture on “Vascular Resections in Pancreatic Surgery, Advanced Surgery in the era of multi-disciplinary care”.
  78. Invited Faculty, Ethicon Digital Education, Johnson & Johnson Private Limited company, May 2020. Lecture on “Improving Outcomes in Pancreatic Surgery: A Holistic approach with blend of Technique and Technology”.
  79. Invited Faculty, Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, Hyderabad, April 2020. Invited Panelist on “Systematic Approach to Cystic Tumours of Pancreas”.
  80. Invited Faculty, lecture on D2 Gastrectomy with Johnson & Johnson Pvt. Ltd. April 2020.

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